Empathy as the Antidote to Shame
Shame is a powerful experience, and can lead to seemingly unexplainable behaviors because it is often buried deeply under a lot of defenses. Even in my work with clients, it can take a long time to peel back the layers and see that underneath, shame is what we have to grapple with.
The Freeze and Flee Dance
This dance, or cycle, like the other two I’ve written about recently in my blog, is defined by entrenched behaviors from both partners. However, calling this a “dance” is a bit misleading, because in essence, neither partner is doing much of anything, aside from shutting down or checking out.
How to be an Anxiety-Ally
Here is an image that might conjure up some memories for you: Your partner telling you they are anxious…VERY anxious. How do you help?
Shutting Down in the Relationship
It’s an oft-used expression to describe one way of handling our emotions, “shutting down.” But what is happening, and how do we handle it?
Slicing it Thinner
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by a situation that you didn’t know what to say at all? If so, then I think this post might be for you…
Election Reflection
It’s so hard to make sense of what we, as a collective country, went through during this presidential election cycle. It is now over, and I can not help but write about my experience as a therapist and what I was met with over the course of the last week.
Expressing Our True Feelings
As a child, were you encouraged or even allowed to express anger, fear and other natural emotions? Despite what you may have learned, feelings are neutral with no positive or negative values attached.
Find The Bad Guy
I notice that we often have relationships which involve moments we don’t always get quite…“right.” Most of the time we might see fighting in this way, in the “Find The Bad Guy” dance.
The Protest Polka
Somehow, the phrase “the Protest Polka” doesn’t quite capture the negative cycle like I wish it would; “polka” feels fun! But this polka is anything but fun. But, the important part of the phrase is “protest,” and not “polka,” so that is where we focus our attention, we can see a lot of examples of protesting these days.
Fight? Or Flight?
After an argument with your partner, do you find yourself wondering why you said some of the things you did? You may even start this second-guessing as soon as the words leave your mouth.
Dig Deeper!
"We don't know how to communicate." Those six words speak volumes about an intimate relationship that has shifted into a superficial – and for most, quite difficult – routine.
To Heal the Relationship, Uncover the Feelings
Do you and your partner feel as though you replay the same arguments over and over without resolving anything?
Emotionally-Focused Therapy: Why it isn't Futile
The “Opinionator/Couch” series of articles in the New York Times – it has apparently been running for years – is a personal favorite. Written from a clinician’s or patient’s first-hand perspective, it documents the inevitable struggles and successes in therapy.
Process vs Product... My First Post
People kept telling me: “you need to start blogging.” Maybe they are truly fascinated by the things that come out of my mouth that they think I should put pen to them.
Focusing With a Man from the Epicenter
In an online class Sunday morning I found myself with the privilege of being paired up to focus with a Chinese man, living in Wuhan at the time of the initial COVID-19 outbreak. Our previous class with this same group was around a month ago...
Lessons and Mindf*cks
Just because lessons can be learned does not mean that those learning should also have to feel blame and that this post is not meant as a blame-casting exercise. But, I have been sitting with this sense of lessons.
Tending and Befriending
I'm thinking that during a time like this, sharing bits of my experience would be a better way to connect with you. I'd try to process my own, and hope that through connecting to my process, it can help you better understand yours.
Practice in the Time of COVID-19
An Open Letter to My Client… As we’ve come to expect over the last few years, the news moves fast.