
EFT Couples Therapy David Klein EFT Couples Therapy David Klein

Who Started It?!

he infinity loop maps out the cycle in a way that is so clear to both me and my clients. The more I use it, the more it resonates for me. It may also be activated within the session, thankfully though worked with more proactively if a therapist is present.

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EFT Couples Therapy David Klein EFT Couples Therapy David Klein

The Freeze and Flee Dance

This dance, or cycle, like the other two I’ve written about recently in my blog, is defined by entrenched behaviors from both partners. However, calling this a “dance” is a bit misleading, because in essence, neither partner is doing much of anything, aside from shutting down or checking out.

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Relationships, EFT Couples Therapy David Klein Relationships, EFT Couples Therapy David Klein

The Protest Polka

Somehow, the phrase “the Protest Polka” doesn’t quite capture the negative cycle like I wish it would; “polka” feels fun! But this polka is anything but fun. But, the important part of the phrase is “protest,” and not “polka,” so that is where we focus our attention, we can see a lot of examples of protesting these days.

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